
幽靈情書 (Shadow)




倫一直暗戀中學同學小月,在那年暑假後,她失蹤了。倫在營火會無意中見到一女子飄過,令他再想起小月。自此倫鬱鬱不歡。其好友史和華知其心意,決助倫 尋找小月下落。終找到小月好友Fanny。三人在小月家嚇見她骨灰,倫更不慎將它跌破,使小月不能投胎。小月成了無主孤魂,要求倫為她做一些事情,才可順 利投胎,倫內疚不己,決意替小月完成投胎要求。相處日久,兩人終墮愛河。不料天意弄人,小月竟無故失蹤,正當眾人推敲她在那裡,小月的冤魂出現……

Lun is devoted to Moon since he was young. However, Moon disappears in a summer... Lun accidentally sees Moon at a campfire. Since then he gets glum. His friends See and Wah decided to help him in searching out Moon. The three pals finally find Fanny who is the best friend of Moon. They gasp for hearing Moon is dead. What's worse, Moon died for Lun. Lun promises to try his very best to accomplish Moon's wishes. They fall for each other quickly. Unfortunately, Moon disappears again. While everyone is worried about her, the spirit of Moon returns...


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